

Great Tips for Planning A Road Trip

At this precise moment, thousands of parents across the world are Planning a Holiday. Not just any holiday a “Road Trip”. It’s an exciting concept for children and relieves the difficulty and pain or getting a flight.

The trouble with flying with children is the amount of luggage you need to take and by driving to a destination this cuts out some of the hassles. That’s not to say that driving for a number of hours with children asking “Are we there yet?” is going to be so easy so here are some tips to help you get through the drive.

Plan Ahead

Don’t just plan on driving from A to B, if you’ve got along drive look at what options are available on the way to break up the journey such as Museums, theme parks and National Parks. These ideas will keep children interested in the journey and although it may take you longer you will find that fewer arguments will happen.

Brush up on Your History and Geology

If your journey isn’t that far then take a look at what landmarks you may be passing try and keep the kids’ minds active by discussing the history of places you pass.

Get High Tech

IPods, DVD Players, Nintendo DS are great ways to keep the kids quite for a few hours. Ok so they are not the most brain stimulating devices but they keep the kids from fighting and make your journey just that much easier.

Get Ready to Go

To keep the kids motivated in the journey pull out a big map and then highlight where you’re going the route that you’re taking and what you are passing. You can then pass the map to the children in the back seats and they can follow the journey with you.

Another good idea is to make a trip clipboard; make sure you have the name of your hotel or vacation location on it. It’s good for the kids to know where they are going and if you get into trouble and you sat nave stops working then it can really help out.

Last Part

Before you drive make sure your car is reliable. You have coolant and engine oil topped up. Put air in your tyres and then you’re ready to go. Above all makes sure you drive safely, if you’re feeling tied pull over and take a break and lastly make sure you enjoy your holiday.

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