Off-roading is either a hobby or a sport, depending on how you look at it. Whether you want to take your jeep out now and again for a fun afternoon, or plan on making a career out of riding the trails, there are some things that you need to know to do it right. Here are some of the best tips from trucking professionals:
According to the fine people at A Jeep Thing, knowing your terrain is important. You won’t drive through snow in the same way that you’ll drive over dry land. Study the area that you’ll be driving through and deflate or inflate your tires as necessary. Doing so will significantly impact your driving experience. Driving through snow, mud, and sand requires that your tires are slightly deflated. Driving over dry terrain or the open road makes it necessary to re-inflate them.
A tarp can be a cheap, invaluable piece of equipment. If you will be driving through water that rises over your front bumper, strap a tarp across the front of your vehicle. Doing this will minimize the amount of water that enters your engine bay. Less water entering your engine bay means less water entering your air intake. When driving through shallow water, do so slowly. This creates a bow wave, keeping water away from your electrical components.
Hill Parking
There may come a time when you are forced to park on a hill. When that instance occurs, be sure to set your hand brake. In a vehicle with a manual transmission, keep the vehicle in gear. If your truck has an automatic transmission, make sure that you slip it into the park. Place concrete blocks or large rocks behind your tires for added braking support.
Use a Spotter
Never drive where you can’t see, especially if you are unfamiliar with the terrain. While your adrenaline combined with your ego may push you to drive on, resist the urge. Instead, use a friend as a spotter. If you are off-roading alone, put your vehicle in park, get out and walk ahead a few hundred feet to get the lay of the land. Failing to do this can see you quite possibly driving off of a cliff or finding yourself in a spot that you can’t get out of.
Essential Gear
Never head out on an off-roading trip without the essential gear. Your vehicle should be outfitted with a light bar for extra visibility, and you should have a bag of tools that can be used to fix whatever vehicle issue you may encounter. Keep a bag packed with food, water, and extra clothing, along with a well-stocked first-aid kit. No one expects to have troubles while off-roading but accidents happen and issues arise; be prepared for them.
Off-roading can be an exciting way to spend a day. The thrill of careening over rocks, sliding through snow, and powering through water is exciting. With the proper driving habits and essential gear, your experience can be all that you want it to be.